FRÜH hand-held machines for grinding, polishing, milling, planing and cutting.
All FRÜH hand-held machines are equipped with a secure protective guard. Dust-free work is only possible with a suitable industrial dust extractor.

Hand-held grinder HSM 6500 vac
High speed diamond grinding machine with ingenious turbine technology for dustfree operation (when used with suitable industrial dust extractor)

Diamond grinder HSM 125
Small, lightweight, easy-to-use, hand-held grinding machine, not only for edge and corner work, but also for walls and when working overhead.

Detail grinder ES 50
Easy-to-use detail grinder with a grinding plate, dust extration guard and a SoftVib handle for easy and dust-free work on corners, angles and small surfaces

Hand-held polisher HPM 125
Powerful hand-held polisher for dry polishing and grinding. Speed infinitely adjustable, tool diameter Ø 125 mm

Diamond Grinder HPM 3200
Handy dry grinder and polisher for design and industrial floors made of concrete, screed and mineral coatings. Especially suitable for small surfaces and edge work.

Wet polishing machine NPM 125
Polisher for wet and dry polishing and grinding. Three speed settings. Velcro coered base plate for grinding discs Ø 125 mm. Water supply via hose with quick coupling

Wet polishing system STP
comprising a NPM 125 wet polishing machine (in a systainer) and a wet vacuum cleaner with fitted tank